There are now so many companies out there making handbags from saddles and tack, so why choose me.
I have now made many hundreds of handbags from saddles and boots so I am very experienced.
I work very closely with my customers to make the perfect handbag together, your bag will be with you for a very long time so it needs to be right.
I pride myself on making each bag by hand, it would be so easy to run one up on a machine and a lot of companies do, I could make multiple bags per day but I prefer to make by hand
My method ensures attention to detail and perfection. Each bag can take between 6 - 12 hours to make and I only ever make one customer commission at a time so my customer and the bag has my full attention.
I’m never going to be the business woman of the year because I put customer satisfaction before making money.
I still adore what I do and I can guarantee when you choose me you won’t be disappointed.
I’m very approachable so I’m always available to discuss your bag and answer any questions you may have.