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I’m currently fund raising via a raffle for my 18month grandson Hunter.

Hunter was born with congenital Nephrotic syndrome, this is a very rare disorder which will lead to kidney failure by around 3 years old.

Hunter will then need to have a kidney transplant.

Hunter has spent a lot of time in hospital due to medical conditions associated with Nephrotic syndrome.

I’m raising funds via go fund me on my Facebook page

BRadley Leatherwork.

Tickets for the raffle are £10 each.

The prize is I will make you a handbag of your choice totally by hand, you will have many choices along the way to ensure this really will be the bag of your dreams.

The raffle will run through January and February when Hunter himself will pick names out of the bag( a Bradley saddlebag of course)

2nd prize is a boot bag of your choice

3rd prize is a vintage tack towel holder.

all monies raised will go towards

Hunter, his medical care and his educational needs.

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